
About-Page Hello!  I’m Andrea, wife to one, mother to three, and one lover of style.  So nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by.

They say you’re supposed to write about what you know, and so began this blog.  I spent all of my professional life working in the fashion industry, carving out a successful career for myself at several high end clothing companies.  But after years of traveling and long hours, I decided to leave that world behind for a while and focus my energy on another passion, my family.

This blog initially began as one dedicated to personal style, and all things fashion, beauty and DIY, but eventually, the other things I love in life slowly started to seep in. My family, cooking, and most recently, our new adventures in eating clean and trying to live an overall healthier lifestyle. If you’ve been reading for a while, you may have noticed the tagline has changed from “approachable modern style” to “approachable modern living.” That’s because this blog encompasses a wide array of topics I love, which should all be in essence, very approachable. Style, fashion, simple crafts and feeding your family good and healthy meals shouldn’t be complicated or intimidating, but fun and enjoyable.

My style is simple but diverse, our home is comfortable yet far from finished (those dang gallery walls!), and my approach to eating healthy is to cook what I can from scratch, and source the best of everything else. I am passionate about supporting local farmers, animal welfare, eating as many veggies as I can, and just saying “no” to chicken nuggets.  Because our family has no food intolerance, we eat from all food groups, but I do try to cook vegetarian and vegan meals many days of the week. I am also very passionate about nail polish, shoes wine, and my husband’s good sense of humor.

If you have any other questions, you can visit my FAQ page, or send me an email to chat! andrea@fortheloveof.net

Thanks for reading.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.