Happy Mother’s Day


(wrapping Mother’s Day gifts and making my own cards this year using my new Sakura glue pen – greeting cards are expensive!)

This week has flown by and looking back, it’s overall been a great one.  We celebrated my Mom’s birthday on Sunday, Monday I crafted most of the day, finishing up my post for Nicole at Making It Lovely, Tuesday I went air plant shopping and Syd and I met my husband for lunch.  Wednesday we had our IEP meeting with the school board to check on my son’s progress for the year in Speech Therapy (he’s at a 80%-90% intelligibility rate for conversation hooray!).  Thursday the sitter came over for a glorious 2 hours and I took a 2nd trimester nap!  Later we watched my daughter “bridge into Brownies”, the very official ceremony where they go from being a Daisy to a Brownie.

It’s amazing what we moms, and just women in general,  manage to fit into a week, and still hold it together (not that our burly other halves don’t carry a heavy load).  When I first became a mom I had so many ideas of what kind of mom I wanted to be.  In the beginning there was the stage where I wanted to be the well informed mom on everything.  So I read and I read till my eyes almost popped out.  Sure I gained a lot of valuable knowledge about healthy sleep habits and baby sign language, but I also almost drove myself crazy.  Then there was the stage where I wanted to be the present mom, so I tried to figure out ways I could sit there with my kids and hang on their every word and play dolls and dinos with them for hours without checking my email or doing any housework so that I could remember every bit of their lives.  I quickly learned my brain doesn’t work that way, in any capacity.  In the last year, I went through a period where I really wanted to be that uber patient mom who sits there calmly and nods while my child throws a fit about not getting a juicebox in their lunch, “Yes, honey, I hear that you’re upset about not having a juice box.  How can I fix that for you?”

But most recently, I think since being pregnant with my third, I’m starting to realize that the most important person I could be to my kids is me.  Perfectly flawed, exceptional me.  The mom that can multi-task and remember most things in her head, cook a mean batch of enchiladas, and craft up a freaking storm, but also looks at her phone a few too many times, and loses her cool a few too many times more.  Sure I can always strive to be better, do better, and that’s what is so amazing about having a spouse and/or being a mom, they make you want to be better.  But only a better version of me, not the woman/mom/wife I think I’m supposed to be.

Surely this has got to be one of the benefits that comes with aging, right?  The ability to see things a little clearer, maybe feel a tad bit wiser?  I sure as hell hope so because there’s gotta be some pay off for crows feet.

Wishing you all a very lovely weekend.  Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommas out there.  And if you’re not a momma, may you enjoy your day nonetheless.

If you’d like to see the perfect Mother’s Day gift I created for myself above, please visit Making It Lovely.  If you’re still in need of a Mother’s Day gift for the special woman in your life, you have time to put this box together.  The picture at the way top is me having fun playing with the Sakura glue pen I recently acquired.  One of the best little crafting inventions I’ve ever come across!  Simply write or draw (the glue comes out blue so you can see your trail), and the sprinkle on some glitter.  Amazing!  Make cards, custom wrapping paper, gift tags.  Go crazy! I know I am 😉  Have a great one guys!   Any one asking for a style related gift for Mother’s Day?  I received the Marc by Marc Jacobs bag in the mail this week and I’m sending it back.  I like it, but don’t love it.  If I’m going to spend that much on a bag I have to love it so much I want to make out with it.

Andrea is the founder of For The Love Of, a lifestyle blog dedicated to approachable, modern living. She writes about style, her love of DIY, and living a healthier life through wholesome, nutritious cooking. She is also a regular contributor at Babble. Get in touch: Facebook, Twitter You can find Andrea on Instagram @andreavhowe and @gwynethmademedoit

  • Kimberly says:

    I love that glue pen, too! You can also use it to outline or add a little glitter to your rubber stamping (for those of us who are terrible drawers/doodlers). It would look so pretty to have some glittery details on the mermaid 🙂

    Also, you’ve totally tempted me with the Steve Madden bag. I’m not a mother, but I’m wondering if I could convince my husband to buy me a gift anyway 😉

  • KateB says:

    This post just made me smile from top to bottom. This was my favorite part: “I’m starting to realize that the most important person I could be to my kids is me. Perfectly flawed, exceptional me.” But, the making out with the purse part was a close second.

    Happy Mother’s Day to you, too!

  • amber says:

    love it! I’m with you sista! I can only be me and the best version of me that I can be each day. some days are better than others but as long as I try and at the end of the day they know I love them, then I can’t ask for anything more.
    We’re making mother’s day cards too!! hopefully they turn out as cute as yours!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Andrea Howe says:

    Kimberly – Thank you for the idea about using the glue pen on the stamps. I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s brilliant! And the bag is super cute. Only reason I’m not keeping it is because it doesn’t have a long strap too and i really like the cross body option since i don’t have any bags like that.

  • I love everything in that box! I hear you about just doing your best to be you! You are an awesome momma!! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Oh yes, that glue pen is one of my favorite things!!

    ….and I’m with you on being the best mom that we can be. Perfectly flawed and exceptional 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day, Andrea!


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